Public Management
The performance of governments around the globe is constantly in the spotlight, whether as a celebration or indictment of their activities. Providing evidence on strategies to improve the performance of public agencies is therefore essential to the practice of public management.
What approaches should be adopted to measure the public performance ?
The link between management and public service performance is a hugely important area and is at the very heart of the disciplines of public administration, public management and public policy.
But what is a public policy? It is a flow of decisions social equilibrium or to introduce imbalances intended to modify this reality.
“Give me the facts and I will give you the laws,” says the maxim on the work of a judge. For the Brazilian judges had to deal with many in the last decade: from 2000 to 2010, the country created 75,517 laws, by adding common and complementary state legislations and federal decrees, as well as federal decrees. That gives 6,865 laws per year – what means that 18 laws have been created every day since 2000.
The outcomes (implementation) refer to the joint results of the decision and implementation, that is, what actually happened.
Monitoring, which is the systematic process of supervision of the execution of an activity (and its various components), which aims to provide the necessary information to introduce any corrections in order to ensure the achievement of the established objectives.
The evaluation, which consists of the measurement and analysis, a posteriori, effects produced by public policies, especially Introduction to public policy theory with regard to the achievements and expected consequences and to the not foreseen.
During the New Public Management (NPM) era, the shift from a focus on input to a focus on results has led to an ‘increase in the amount of information and change in the type of information generated and used for budgeting and management purposes.
Performance measurement has many meanings but it is defined here as measurement on a regular basis of results (effectiveness) and Value.
After all, the problem then is the lack of money or the lack of management?
Good management is one that achieves results. That is, a management that meets the demands, interests and expectations, creating public value.